Friday, January 24, 2020

A Report on Esther Essay -- Bible, The Book of Esther, God, Jews

Introduction Throughout time, people have attempted to destroy the nation of Israel, the â€Å"apple of God’s eye.† It was because from the Jews, came the covenants, promises, the law, and the messiah—the savior of the world. God’s chosen people are the enemy of Satan, the prince of this world, and the conflict started back in Genesis 3:15. While a remnant from Judah returned to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, other Jews remained in the cities of their captivity. Some were welcomed as valued members of their communities, but others were despised and hated. Some were even targeted for extermination. The book of Esther tells a story of an attempted extermination. It records a ten-year span during the 58-60 year interlude in the book of Ezra (ch.6-7) between the first return headed by Zerubbabel and the second return headed by Ezra. It also tells of the inauguration of a feast (Purim), which has endured over 2,000 years because of one woman, whose name the book is titled, said, â€Å"If I perish†¦ I perish.† Moreover, Esther is a story of courage and communication displayed in the life of two people: Esther and Mordecai. Author and Date The author of this book remains unknown. However, the author was probably a Jew, both from the purpose of the book in accounting for the origin of the Jewish festival Purim and from the Jewish nationalism, that permeates the story. Also, the author was acquainted with Persian culture. This is indicated by the extensive descriptions of the palace complex in Susa filtered throughout the book and the domestic reign of King Ahasuerus. Based on these observations, some have ascribed the author to Mordecai. However, modern scholars reject this idea because Mordecai is referred to in... ...ther realization of the sovereignty and providential care of our almighty God. What stood out to me above all in this study was the relationship of Mordecai and Esther. The communication and courage that these two had throughout the book was, in my opinion, phenomenal. These two cousins recognized their positions in relation to each other during the different dispensations of their lives, and thus submitted to one another; and because of this, they triumphed (2:10, 20; 4:17). What I gleamed from them was an example of how Christians ought to relate to each other (Eph 5:21). A Brief Outline of the Book of Esther I. The Fall of Queen Vasthi and the Rise of Queen Esther (Ch. 1-2) II. Haman’s Plot to Exterminate the Jews: His Rise and His Fall (Ch. 3-8) III. Mordecai’s Rise and the Deliverance of the Jews (Ch. 9-10)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Optimism in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath Essay

The Grapes of Wrath is a novel written by John Steinbeck. In the bulk of modern literature, it is consider a masterful epic unmatched in the realm of the written word. The novel centers around a family of workers who are immigrants — The Joads. When the novel takes place they are in California attempting to survive the scarce conditions of the depression. Steinbeck monitors and recounts the ups and downs of the family and their experiences in United States. Much of the plot is Steinbeck’s commentary on the rampant capitalism which literary sucked the land and the people dry during the 1930s. The story is based on real life excerpts of John Steinbeck’s field research. The real life conflict was created by greedy business men, and lending institutions which bought up land and employed workers to farm. While Steinbeck’s depiction is of the 1930s depression is accurately rough it is equally optimistic. The majority of these workers were lower class immigrant families that were paid so little that their struggles have often been paralleled to that of slavery which plagued the United States in the 16th and 17th centuries. The old adage was particularly relevant when examining this novel, as the rich get richer, the poor end up dead — worked to death. Steinbeck is not casual in his assault of capitalism and it not fearful to express his disgust for the supposed American dream. He has a clear political viewpoint and asserts:†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds throughout all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. † (333). A major theme developed by Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath is his believe that the survive of the lower class is based on their dedication to family. His approach is a delicate mixture of Marxism and Socialism, both of which promote cooperative living. In the context of the time, Steinbeck’s beliefs were not just controversial but also dangerous. The United States went through a two periods in which the government hunted after individuals they considered unamerican, the 1920s and the 1950s. This novel was written in the the 1930s. However, Steinbeck intricately weaves a tale of family strife, struggle, and survival, in The Grapes of Wrath, which has become a beloved and honored classic since its publication. Steinbeck’s depiction of the devastating conditions during the 1930s is historically accurate. In particular, Steinbeck articulately describes what a Dust Bowl actually is and how it was created. He explains that the great plains experienced the greatest droughts ever during the great depression. The Dust Bowl was created due to lack of rain and also the over use of the land. Once pieces of land are over farmed they lose their nutrients and crops will not grow. These areas, once plush with grass and trees became â€Å"virtual deserts. † It was this drought which forced families, hungry and tired, to see out new hope in the west. The west promised folks clean and cheap living, and with access to regular work. Steinbeck describes the Dust Bowl in the following way, â€Å"The wind increased, steady, unbroken gusts. The dusts from the roads fluffed up and spread out and fell on the weeds besides the fields . . . the sky was darkened by the mixing dust, and the wind felt over the earth, loosened the dust, and carried it away. † For the people living in these devastated lands, this was a very accurate account as to what the â€Å"weather† was like for weeks and months.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hardee Transporation Case Study Essay - 804 Words

Hardee Transportation Case Study YOUR NAME American Military University Hardee Transportation: I. Major Facts Hardee’s Transportation Manager Jim O’Brien is concerned about a request from the company’s largest customer. Hardee’s current freight pickup and delivery operations are set to reflect for 10 hours of maximum drive time for their drivers. The dispatch centers and bobtail routes are patterned in accordance with the previous hours-of-service rules. Hardees’s customer feels a rule changes could be beneficial and suggested a new hours-service rule of 14 hour-on-duty time. Jim O’Brien has great concerns because most of his largest customers already implemented the longer PDU times. II. Major Problem Hardee†¦show more content†¦Instead of just increase charges against the customer, Hardees’s management should initiate self assessment by looking at the numbers of drivers, their location, the specific functions of the company’s terminals, as well as the routes drawn from those locations. Once an internal assessment has been completed, Hardee’s management team can build a better business relationship by visiting their customers and recommending changes that will be beneficial to both parties. These changes will not only strength the business relationship of both parties but will also allow the implementation of changes that will increase revenue and decrease cost. IV. Choice and Rationale The recommendation that I would present to Hardee Transportation would be option C. To me, this option incorporates the benefit of a complete review of employees, vehicles, terminals, routes, policies, and procedures. Hardee Transportation would not just requests changes from their customers, but implement new changes in their own cooperation. By visiting their customers, the company will establish better relationships with them instead of dropping most of the largest customers and losing revenue. V. Implementation Just like in the military a decision making process needs to be initiated. The analysis is part of the process and will start with management determining goals and guidelines. Like I mentioned, I believe, that Hardee